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Common Ground Consulting team in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada office

About Kristina Beauchesne 

Kristina Beauchesne Founder of CGC   Culture and Leadership Development Consultant

Kristina Beauchesne

Founder of CGC 

Culture and Leadership Development Consultant

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 
-Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou’s words are sentiments that Kristina lives by as she personally and professionally strives to build on people’s strengths and help them to live their best selves. 


Kristina is an enthusiastic, passionate, dedicated and dynamic professional with two decades of experience in the Canadian education system as a teacher, school administrator and facilitator. As a skilled professional, Kristina also possesses leadership qualities that embody warmth, compassion, empathy, and vulnerability. A powerful motivator, she uses her organizational and facilitating skills to help her connect meaningfully with her audience; students and adults alike. She believes wholeheartedly in the power of trust and connection in helping to create engaged, productive, and psychologically safe learning environments and work cultures. 


Kristina’s fascination with interpersonal dynamics, her commitment and passion in fostering connection and strength within teams, coupled with her own unique experiences in the workforce, led her to create Common Ground Consulting Inc. 


Kristina offers a rich, interactive three part workshop called, ‘Leading a Culture of Connection and Caring.’ This evidence-based program embodies the belief that, when aligned, individual and organizational core values work in tandem with other related facets such as trust, connection, empathy and play. These foundational pillars help cultures to thrive and attain enhanced levels of greatness. 


Kristina has a Bachelor of Arts (concentration in Psychology) from Trent University and a Bachelor of Education from The University of Ottawa. She embraces a commitment to on-going personal and professional growth and believes in collaboration as a catalyst to move forward collectively.  

Common Ground Consulting team in a meeting at Ottawa office meeting for client solutions and development

Kris's workshop session on core values, allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding about the importance of values. As an example, I've worked with my colleague, Brenda for over 15 years and I've always marveled at her ability to provide me with resources or information in such a timely manner. Kris provided participants with the opportunity to articulate and share our personal values. This process allowed me to better understand Brenda as a person and colleague. When Brenda shared her value of dependability, I was able to recognize how her behaviours (promptly sharing assignments or information with me within 24 hours) align with her value. I had never before made the link between her behaviours and her value so this was enlightening. As a result, this has allowed me to forge a deeper working connection with Brenda and I have now committed to showing a more timely effort in following through on my own promise and deliveries in order to honour Brenda's value. This new knowledge helps connect us as colleagues in more meaningful ways.

-Keri Chiarelli

(Teacher, Berrigan Elementary School)

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